As an entrepreneur you want your website to make you look big. More power, more traffic and everything in between. But believe me small is cool with customers, too. Small businesses have a personality, and charm and sensibility that big businesses just can’t match. So flaunt your smallness.

All you need to do for your business to stand out is to include something that reflects the creativity and personality of its own.

You can be anyone a couple working from a spare bedroom or an entrepreneur working to leave a legacy to a son or daughter. Maybe you are a budding businessman. Or maybe you are one of those recycle freaks and you use only recycled materials. To make it count all you need is an A-One  Home Page and/or an “About Us” section in your website

Your presentation has to reflect the work and business ethos you have. For example, a lawyer or an attorney may not look proper with an image of him or her working on a leather sofa with a poodle nearby. On the other hand, it is a perfect setting for an artist or a fashion designer.

So the trick of the website is to tell your own story. Remember the Ws of who, what, why, where and how  And of course people would also wish to know more. So talk and talk and talk.

Here let us look at the most important things customers want to know:

Why is your business unique

Introduce your business with “Who are you?” Do it in an interesting and compelling way as possible. Write a good bio mentioning your strong points, expertise, experience and other details. Talk about “What is unique about your business? Why should people buy from you?” Remember less is more. So be concise.

Give a clear picture of what your company offers

You should make your homepage speak and provide at least general information about your products or services. The details can go on the links to the specific products page.

Do give Contact information, phone number and location

Do not be vague about information about your location. It builds trust and credibility. You can even use pictures, it goes a long way toward building credibility.

Third-party validation

It is a good idea to include customer testimonials, client lists, or case studies. Do not exclude any awards and recognition you’ve received, news clippings and other media coverage. Potential customers would like to see clients who are well known in your list. Link your website to your Instagram or social platform. Social networking now has strong validation.

Be sure to have a Secure Socket Layer (SSL)

SSL protects sensitive information and it is a must for e-commerce sites. It protects credit card information.

Ease of use and navigation for the website

Keep your website simple and easy to navigate. The ability to search a site is very important for all customers.

Clear guidance

Let customers know important things such as how to order–and where to go and what to do. Provide your shipping costs and procedures and how they can get status reports. Last but not least, customers want to know return procedures and whether you have a money-back guarantee. Describe all these in an FAQ (frequently asked questions) page

An ability to give feedback

You should definitely encourage feedback about your products and services, ordering process and your site in general, by providing feedback forms or e-mail links.

A clear call to action

Include a call to action tab. Because customers want signs or buttons in order to act. You can include a newsletter or Click here tab for more information.

Special offers

You can personalize a sale by giving an offer, or coupon. This is a sure way for small businesses to gain an edge on their bigger counterparts.