We are well into the second month of 2019, and already we are noticing that there is a dramatic shift in key digital marketing trends. Trends including SEO, Social media, PPC, and content marketing. Not so long ago, we dismissed artificial intelligence as gimmicks, found only in a science-fiction film.

New key digital marketing trends are coming up today. Therefore, businesses now need to use AI effectively for visibility. Because, what worked for you last year, may not work now.

Let us look at some key digital marketing trends for 2019.

Artificial Intelligence

We are already witnessing the impact of artificial intelligence. Soon AI will take over the world’s simplest jobs. AI can analyze consumer behaviour by utilizing data from digital platforms. AI can help businesses, understand, how customers, find their products and services. We are all familiar with Facebook messenger bots.

Programmatic Advertising

Programmatic advertising involves, using AI, to automate and buying. Thus, lets you target more specific audiences. For example, Real-time bidding. Automation is translating to higher conversions and lower customer acquisition costs. Digital advertising is going through a swifter change.


Chatbots are already an important part of key digital marketing trends. Real-time chats, make interaction easier. Nearly 90% of businesses are using chatbots, or plan to use it, by 2020. Chatbots are responsive, answer promptly and never lose patience. Chatbots, therefore, give outstanding customer service.


Personalized marketing is a key digital marketing trend. It means personalized content, products, emails, etc. Personalized marketing leads to a greater customer relationship. It is easier with the availability purchase history, behaviour and clicks. Anyone, who uses Netflix and Amazon accounts knows how the brands, use the banner, carousels, order, and search in a  personalized way for you.

Video Marketing

Video marketing allows for higher engagement. With a video post, you can start a live broadcast on Facebook, Instagram or LinkedIn. Businesses are using it for interviews, demos, life in the office etc. With high-quality smartphone cameras, marketers are using personalized video messages. Accordingly, for YouTube and other videos using text overlays and captions are becoming important. We all know the popularity of 360-degree video content. As it allows for a more interactive experience.

Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing drives your brand’s message to the larger market through influential speakers. You pay influencers to talk about your brand. It is highly effective to solicit customers. Anyone from celebrities and Instagram or YouTube stars can be an influencer.

Social Messaging Apps

Oh, so you think social messaging apps are for sending emojis to your friends? If we consider, the number of Facebook users, WhatsApp users,  it is a huge number.

Businesses have already turned to social messaging apps, as a key digital marketing trend. It makes more sense, considering the amount of time people spend on WhatsApp.You can send direct messages to customers, and add value to the users’ experience.

Visual Search as a key digital marketing trend

Visual search users apps are the latest in search aids. Lens, a search tool, allows, users, to take a photo of an item, and upload it to find out where to buy it online. There are other players in this field like Can find. Users can find information for any topic by uploading a photo.


We are increasingly getting dependent on our smartphones. Mobile devices are already the medium getting the most minutes today. Thus, changing how advertising works, to capture the buyers’ attention.

Micro-moments capture the attention of the new consumer. This is the era of instant everything- from what to eat, which restaurant to choose, what to purchase. So Micro-Moments are in.

Therefore, it is important to have your brand positioned, where consumers search for information – such as Google, Amazon, and YouTube.

Voice Search & Smart Speakers

2019 has brought Siri and Alexa. Companies are rethinking their digital marketing strategies with the increasing use of voice search.

Relevant information, that people are searching for, can be given through audio content.  Voice assistants like Alexa, Siri and Google are 99% accurate. Brands such as Domino’s, are already using voice search.

Social Media Stories

2019 has increased the use of social media “stories,” in digital marketing strategy. The Live video is in to promote engagement and brand awareness. To counter the problem of stories disappearing, after a set period of time, marketers can make good use of FOMO, (fear of missing out). They can feature employees, show the product, and ask for reviews.