So like many others running a small business you are wondering if blogging is worth the effort. Let me affirm that it is! If you go by digital marketing insights you will realize that Blogging regularly and consistently is an easy, inexpensive way to lead and drive traffic to your site, and also attract more customers.

Reasons for Blogging

If you are wondering if blogging is really something that you should go for here are some of the best reasons:

Consumers are convinced to make a purchase based on a blog post.

Digital marketers observe that blogs are the most important method of content marketing. 

Successful Companies have regular blog posts and enjoy 97% more inbound links than their competitors. 

Important benefits for Small Business Blogs

Boost Search Engine Optimization

Searching Engine Optimizing SEO Browsing Concept

Search engines love to provide fresh, valuable content to searchers. What better way to provide frequent content than with blog posts. By blogging consistently, you give Google and other search engines new content to index and you create opportunities to plug in those all-important keywords to increase your visibility on search engine results pages (SERPS).

As an added bonus, you will benefit from backlinks as other websites begin to link to the articles on your website. This adds more fuel to the SEO fire because search engines consider backlinks as an endorsement of the authority of your website.

Develop Relationships with Customers

One of the best ways to connect with your site visitors is through consistent blogging. You can leave a simple comment section at the end of each blog post and get the conversation going or by simply asking for feedback. Be quick to review and respond to readers’ comments, to create a rapport with your audience. Thus you can build trust, and gain valuable insight into what your customers needs.

Blogs Establish You as an Industry Leader

Through blogging, you can build trust and clout within your industry. Just be informative in your blog posts. Soon you can become a “go-to” resource for helpful, informative content, leading to higher customer conversion rates. 

Connecting with People 

Blog posting is the human face of your brand and it allows you to show a personal side of your business. Blogging is a window that gives customers and others a sense of the corporate standards, vision, and personality of your brand.

Value for Your Readers

Good and informative blogging provide value to visitors. Your blogs should include tips to make something in their life easier. You can cleverly weave your products or services as part of the solutions you provide in your posts. Good content can always build loyalty among potential customers. They are your base for future conversions. 

Blogs Generate Leads

As a consistent blogger, you can use your blog to get emails from interested leads. All you need to do is request your audience to subscribe to your blog posts. Emails can further be used for marketing and generate leads, it is a chain of touchpoints. Thus you are regularly in touch with your audience who see your blog posts, you also have email marketing opportunities to promote your business. You can send special promotions and more. The idea here is to connect with a lead and enhance the chance of converting them into customers. 

Blogs Create Opportunities for Sharing

When you are posting a blog you are creating an opportunity for your audience to share your blog with others. Your audience may link to your blog post, tweet it, or email it to others, anyway it’s free marketing. You get further validation as a credible business.

Yes, blogging just makes sense because it gives you credibility with minimal effort and expense, and a great way to rank high in search engine optimization. Blogging increases website traffic, and foster relationships with potential customers. If you are interested in creating a blog for your organization? We are here. Scabbard tech offers digital marketing and web design services to meet your needs. If you find that blogging is just too much for you.No problem. We have a competent content team to take care of all your blogging and content creation.