Web based seminars, in short webinars are online video conferencing events that helps an individual or an organization to connect with viewers from across the world in real time. In addition to being of great utility for businesses to market their products and services online, they provide a platform to get customer insights and feedback.


webinar hosting


However, in order to ensure that the webinars you create as a business owner are engaging and fruitful, you have to follow certain golden tips. Let us present some of these to you in the points given below: 


Set a clear objective:


You will need to have a clear goal in your mind. Before you create a webinar ask yourself , ‘what is your purpose behind this? Is it to generate leads for your business or to improve relationships with your clients and prospects? Design your webinar according to your need. 

webinar objective


Practice beforehand:


To give your audience a smooth webinar experience, make sure your speakers do a trial run before the actual webinar. Also, let them get comfortable with the tools and software involved as well the topic which they are to address. 

practice before webinar


Pay attention to the content:


Good content can take you places. Even if you manage to make people join into your webinars, it is the creation and presentation of your content which will keep them engaged and give them a reason to keep coming back. 

webinar content


Do free webinars:


Though there are a number of Webinar hosting platforms available on the net, you can still opt for free services like You tube Live. They  are great platforms to get you started. 

free webinar hosting


Find smart ways to market your webinars:


Promoting your webinar is crucial for its success. It is this step which will get you your customers and enable you to earn leads. Use digital marketing channels to get the word out. 

webinar digital marketing


Keep your webinars short:


webinar duration


The ideal duration of webinars is 40 to 60 minutes. Long sessions beyond the 60 minute frame may deplete your audience’s engagement and attention but shorter sessions will help curb these tendencies.


Promote Participation:


Create polls, ask thought stirring questions and provide actionable content. Do not make it a monologue. Rather, make it a dialogue, interesting and enjoyable. 

webinar participation


Don’t rush it:

Do not rush through the session. Instead, plan wisely the time allotment within it. This way, you can not only get through what you need to but also have enough space for Q & A. 

do not rush


Quality is key:

webinar quality


Make sure that the video and audio quality is good. Only then can every attendee clearly absorb what you are sharing and have a satisfactory webinar experience.